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Let’s get personal

Being addressed as ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ doesn’t make a customer feel valued … AG has the software solutions to personalize a direct marketing campaign.

Welcome to Variable Data Print (VDP). This software dynamically assembles images, charts, and text to create super customized documents.

Imagine a direct mail campaign with your customer’s name and a picture of the mountain bike they just purchased. Perhaps the customer’s name is etched on the water bottle or maybe merge it with a personalized landing page (PURL) that mirrors your print campaign. It’s all about building customer loyalty and AG has the toolbox to do it.

Customer Story Image

“AG is really good at listening to feedback. Impeccable service, sometimes we contact AG at the very last minute, they always step up and are reliable.”

Tori Coles - Office Coordinator, Administrative Services

The Walter Fedy Partnership